The Zen Hostel
For groups
Zen Hostel is the guesthouse of the Posticum spiritual and cultural center in Nagyvárad. We recommend it to groups for retreats, yoga or other camps, trainings, meetings, and physical and mental rejuvenation.
State room/ 100 person
Chapel / 100 paerson
Jazzland / 80 person + kitchen

20 pcs. bright, air-conditioned room for 1-4 people. Apart from two apartments, all rooms have their own bathroom.
Prices (Bed and breakfast)
Breakfast, lunch, dinner on request.
When it comes to meals, our house has several options: from the wide range of catering companies to the one-plate vegetarian menu prepared by our own housing community.
The group can also cook for themselves. The kitchen of the Jazzland – all-arts space is available to those who are interested. The large market, where small farmers from the surrounding villages sell daily, is located a few hundred meters away.
Community building programs of Zen Hostel
The Posticum spiritual and cultural center and the Zen Hostel guest house are a resource and an ideal place for spiritual seekers.
Zen masters and great teachers visited us: Taigen Shodo Roshi, Niklaus Brantschen, Dr. Emőke Bagdy, Dr. Tamás Vekerdy. András Feldmar.
“Awestruck at Posticum – it gives hope that there are more places like this in the world; as if I were living in the world of desire of my adolescence: on the way to the Grail (seemingly hopeless wandering), suddenly there is a friendly shelter, where I draw strength again, because here they “know something” and show the way. It was good here, thank you – we hope to see you again…” Tamás Vekerdy, March 28, 2014 (Entry in the guest book of the house)